Just saw that the themed clip charts have been uploaded to the Teaching Oasis site. Thank you Ms. Winston! :)
These are for the themes Seuss, Polka Dots, Hollywood Western, Ocean/Beach, Detective, Sports, Rock Star and Jungle Safari. These can be found on the
classroom themes page.
As word is getting out about the themed clip charts. My requests list is getting long. I will do my best to complete as many as I can. Next week I start I math class and will be getting my own classroom ready. So please be patient. It takes time to upcome with sayings for each of the themes. I work in spurts, and right now I need a little break from the clip charts.
The pirate theme is almost completed, and then I will be working on frogs bees and many more.
Just wanted to share my log sheet that I keep to track student behavior. So far I've only kept a log of anyone who has moved their clip down. I have students fill this out. I will this way a lot because students take ownership of their behavior by writing down what it was they did. Plus it always helps to show that to parents when they say my son/daughter said they didn't do anything wrong. Just show them the records- it's in their child's own handwriting so it's hard to dispute that way.
I keep this in a binder. You could also have a sheet for each child. This past year I started off with using a daily one that all students who moved their clip down would use. But after the first quarter I only had to use it for one child. So they had their own personalized sheet. (Students hate writing in the Behavior Book- whatever works)
I will be back later tonight to select my 2 winners for the latest giveaway.