Contratulations Jennifer form Keys4Education. You are the winner of our Seuss-tastic Giveaway from my blog. I saw Sandra had won over at Mrs. Bainbridge's site. After this email I will email your winnings.
This weekend I will be having another giveaway for reaching 400 followers. So be sure to check back later for more details. I'm not exactly sure what it will be yet. Just had a female procedure done today so I'm still tired from that. But I will be fine and can concentrate on another giveaway later this week.
March Reading Calendars Are Ready For YOU!
5 days ago
Woo! Thanks! :)
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
Hi Sandy, I stumbled upon your wonderful blog and am interested in purchasing your Addition and Sub. Math Madness pack. When I was reading the parent letter that showed up to preview, I noticed that addition and subtraction were both written on the same letter. I didn't know if that's the letter we'd receive, but you had mentioned that it's not editable so I wanted to check with you - Don't want to confuse the families! LOL! Thank you so much for creating this awesome packet!
Bmiller- thank you for your interest in the addition/sub math madness pack.
The letters- there is one that I have for both addition and subtraction. The actual note you can delete the information and customize it. What I mean by editable is having font/size/bold face.
I just copied and pasted the info in both letters, but forgot to change the subt. But thanks for letting me know. When I get the chance I will fix that. Dont' want anyone just sending that home by mistake.
Bmiller- It's fixed. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you very much!!
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