Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Corrected Bubble Experiment File

Lesson learned.  Last night I was so busy and tired that I just quickly glanced over my experiment for any typos/mistakes.  Well there is a typo.  On the 2nd page it should be titled "Do bubbles always form a sphere?" Not from a sphere.  That's the bad thing about spell check it doesn't catch those errors.

Well here is the corrected file.  If you downloaded it yesterday would want the corrected file. I apologize for the error.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bubble Day

9 more wake up days to summer vacation!!!!  Today we had making airplane day.  Took us a little longer than I thought so tomorrow we will actually be flying our airplanes outside, but the students were having a blast learning about airplanes.

Well tomorrow is Bubble Day.  Attached below you will find my freebies for Bubble Day- just click on the image below to download from Google Docs.  The first experiment is Homemade Bubble Solution vs. Store bought bubbles.  The 2nd is Does a bubble always form a sphere.  I went to Menards over the weekend and bought some wire and bent them into three shapes (triangle, heart, and square) then added some electricial tape on the wand.  I was afraid someone might get hurt.  Ended up being a very easy and cheap project.

**See post above "Corrected Bubble File" for the download.**

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Final Countdown

Well I'm on my final countdown of the school year.  10 more school days.   I will miss my students but I am so ready for summer vacation.  When I first started teaching a teammate of mine said teachers were like a block of  cheese. We start off the year as a whole block of cheese.  Throughout the year with meetings, new curriculum changes, parent/teacher conferences, etc. we start to get some holes.  By the end of the year we are like a block of swiss cheese.   Teachers need the summers to decompress so in Aug. we are back to ourselves that whole brick of cheese.

This year I definetly feel like a block of swiss cheese, and I'm looking forward to some time to decompress.

Tomorrow starts our 10 day final countdown with the students and it is Making Airplane day.  So to make this educational I created some worksheets to go with this idea.  I was planning on selling a packet of these ideas, but I ran out of time.  So I am giving you the link to my first idea.  Maybe over the summer I will have the time to put everything together to sell as a packet.  So for now it is free so be sure to grab it now.

And here's a youtube video to go with Making Airplane Day.
Ruth Law Thrills a Nation by Reading Rainbow

Have a good week!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Lovely Award

I want to thank Michelee at Nomoneybusinessmichelle.blogspot.com  and Heide from My (Not So) Elementary Life for passing on the One Lovely Blog Award to me. 

The rules are:
1.  Follow the person(s) that gave you the award.
2.  Link back to the person that gave you the award.
3.  Pass the award to 15 new bloggers.

Well here is my list and I will have to add more later.

1.)  http://smilinginsecondgrade.blogspot.com/

2.) http://madeintheshadeinsecondgrade.blogspot.com/

3.) http://jessicaywinston.blogspot.com/

4.) http://theteacherscauldron.blogspot.com/

5.) http://2ndgradestuff.blogspot.com/

6.) http://4thgradefrolics.blogspot.com/

7.) http://rowdyinfirstgrade.blogspot.com/2012/05/favor.html

8.) http://mspreppy.blogspot.com/

I will have to come back with some more blogs. So many excellent blogs already have the award.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thinking about next year already

I have already received some requests for some back to school items lately.  I've been so swamped this year that I haven't even really started to think about next year yet.  Just looking forward to SUMMER VACATION which BTW is in 11 more school days. 

Anyway I did finish up a new theme clip chart today. (Pizza)  Last summer my themed clip charts was one of my best sellers.  I started making them late in the summer so I have so many more themes to catch up on.  Also last summer I had several requests for my parent letter.  So with the new theme I created a fillable parent letter.  I typed in the information that I use, but you can change that part. 

So over the summer I will update all my themes with fillable letter and post them on TPT and TN.  I'm sure I won't have the time to work on any more before summer.  After a few days of decompressing I will start up on the theme clip charts again.

If you are interested in a pizza theme check out my newest addition. 
 Click here to purchase on TPT.
Click here to purchase on TN.

As ususual I starte working on themes that I  have a request for.  If you are interested in a different theme that I haven't created already please leave a comment below.  I would much rather work on themes that I know teachers are interested in instead of just guessing what teachers would want.  You can check out the ones I already created at the Teaching Oasis.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's the end of the year as we know it Giveaway

I am excited to share some news that I am teaming up with Christina Bainbridge and Lori from Teaching With Love and Laughter for a giveaway.   Click on the image below more details and to enter.

I will be giving away one of my end of year memory books.  I have the following themes:

bee, camping, circus, construction, cooking, detective, dog, firefighter, frog, furry friends, luau, hollywood, sports, ice cream, jungle/safari, monkey, nauticial, ocean/beach, owl, penguins, picnic, pirate, polka dot, rock star, school, sports, star, super kids, train, travel, western, and zebra.

Don't forget you must enter at Mrs. Bainbridge's blog.  The giveaway winner will be announced Sunday morning.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Star Memory Book Added

Had a request for a STAR themed Memory Book.

It has been uploaded to TPT for $2.  Click on the image below to check it out on TPT.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 new memory books added

Just added 2 new memory books for sale.

Super Kids Memory Book


School Theme Memory Book

Both memory books can be found at (along with many other themes)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Have a great week!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Don't forget about my teachers sales at TPT- ends Tues.
and at TN ends on Friday!
See the post below for more details.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week

Just wanted to give my followers a heads up that I am participating in the TPT Teacher Appreciation Sale from May 6th- 8th.  I am offering 20% in addition to the extra offered by TPT.  Just enter the promo code TAD12 at the checkout to receive your additional discount.

I am also  having a sale going on at TN.  20% off May 6-May 11th.  Teachers Notebook is having a sweepstakes.  Seven lucky winners will $100 worth of products.  Who wouldn't want to win that?

Have fun shopping this week! :)