Sunday, January 6, 2013

Starting off the new year with good habits

Can't believe our two week break is almost over.  Just enjoying weekend before the rush starts back up next week.  When we go back we have two weeks before the end of the quarter with so much to do.  I would love to spend lots of time on what you did over break/New Years, but just can't with all that still needs to be covered.  However I plan to do this on Monday.

I like to start off by reading the book The Beranstain Bears and the Bad Habit.   We talk about how Jan. is like a clean slate and we how we can change a bad habit to be the best we can be. Then I have my students write down their own New Year's Resolutions for school and at home.  If you don't have the book you can view the book on youtube.

For some reason I couldn't attach a picture, but here's the link to my google docs. of the doc. that I use to follow this lesson.

Have a great week back.